Sometimes we care too much about what other people think of us , so we live with a permanent stress. We feel guilty because they do not behave as we wanted our family , we try to do everything to please our partner and act in accordance with the suggestions of our colleagues . How much pleasure we receive truth by living a life in accordance with the ' I ' of the third and fearing what will they think of us? The answer will not like it. How then will stop to care about others' opinion ?
Nobody really cares
In reality no one really cares about what you do and you're definitely not so special in the eyes of those around you. In this busy everyday nobody manage to devote more than a minute to deal with you . " Will you stop worrying about what people think about you when you realize how seldom they do " has told the American writer and professor David Foster Wallace. So just understand how the people around you , you will have taken a big step towards freedom .
I can not thank everyone
It is impossible to live according to the expectations of others and there will always be people who will judge you no matter how you treat them . So we start to support your beliefs and stand up against you all who are waiting in the corner to judge you . "You have enemies ? Very nice. This means you stood up for something in your life " had said Winston Churchill.
Know your values
The most important is to know what your values and fighting for them. When you know what you really are and what you want from your life , automatically think of those around you will have zero value for you . Will you stop saying ' yes' to everything and even falling prey to pressure you exert your friends . For example when you have to deliver a very important project, not doing a favor to your best friend can turn all the bars of Karytsi .
Take yourself out there
Once you are sure about what your values , it's time to get out in the world . Create your own blog, wore a polka dot sweater , talk to the audience , flirt or ask someone to go out dating .
Make friends with those who make you better
You want people around you with confidence, confidence and dynamism that will not try to cut in order to appease their insecurities . The adjacent areas you should be composed of individuals who have goals , they share the same values as you and you have a positive influence.
He traveled alone
If you are looking for the ultimate transformation that combines all the above, you should not travel alone. It can be fun to travel with friends but will not help you become a master of life and of yourself . You will be exposed to different social cultures , to break social norms that do not even know they existed, and eventually forced out of the bubble I lived until recently .
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