We have read many tips on how to reduce the calories the many we already know by heart . However, Sharon Richter, dietician in Manhattan shares five quick and smart tips to reduce calories , you certainly will not have heard before. Best of all ? No advice does not require actually restrict eating.
Change the way you fix salads
Instead prepared dressings, preferred to add to your salads enough lemon juice and one or two tablespoons of fresh parmesan .
Prepare your own chips
Cut into thin slices of vegetables like zucchini , turnip or sweet pumpkin , passed them with a little olive oil and place the baking sheet in . Sprinkle them with salt and additional flavoring of your choice ( eg rosemary , thyme , oregano ) and bake in the oven for three minutes on each side .
Defeat cravings
When you’re hungry and willpower is at the bottom, what is in your field of vision should be appealing and nutritious. Prepare So by Sunday evening bag with vegetables and storing them in the top shelf of your refrigerator . Make sure also to fill the fruit bowl lying on the kitchen counter with colorful choices like kiwi , bananas , apples and mangoes . The easy access to these healthy choices will satisfy cravings without guilt .
Be smart with the sweet
A smart way to satisfy your desire for sweet and still receive some nutrients is cut into pieces one chocolate cereal bar and sprinkle a bowl of yogurt .
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