There are times when you feel that you need someone to help you make a decision . Maybe is necessary to see things from another angle. But there are some times when the most suitable person to give you an answer only you .
When you’re 87 % sure he can and can not achieve what you want
Remember this table have been a time in the store to fix it ? Maybe you do worse than it was before . But what have you got to lose really ? The unfinished creative work is a permanent emotional weight. No creative work is not completed when saying ” I do not want to start because I fear I’m not doing well.”
When you look at the photo of your fiance
All they have to say how good a child, from your mom to your collages . But you see the picture and feel your body numbs. So feel real or is it just stress before the wedding ? According to a study by Florida State University, the instinct of newlywed couples for marriage and their partner is usually correct . When it comes to love sometimes the body knows that it can not express the mind.
When you have completely humiliated
“The main feature that makes people successful is not the IQ, emotional intelligence or creativity . Is the resistance on their face when they have to face insurmountable obstacles ” written by Robert J. Sternberg for The Chronicle of Higher Education. The strength is that you ‘ll save .
When you’re 41 years and 9 months
Research from the Erasmus School of Economics in the Netherlands shows that touch the top of our creativity when we are 41 years and 9 months or when we reach 62 % of our lifetime .
When doing meditation
Researchers have found that meditation increases the brain’s gray matter with sensitivity in areas that send signals . When you meditate regularly your mind is more in line with your body .
When you’re 74 % to 100 % sick flu
Are you sick but you ‘re able to work . Just could not get out of bed and crawl to the office. We all understand that you have work to do (always will have ) but there is no reason to get your body to extremes and stick around the office.
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